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2024 Speakers

Beatrice Pila

Beatrice Pila

Design Enlightenment where Creativity meets Consciousness

Megan DiMartino

Megan DiMartino

Stir It Up: Innovating the Human Experience Through Creative Disruption

Carla Rockmore

Carla Rockmore

When Life Unravels, Tie up the Loose Threads with your Passion

Denise De Baun

Denise De Baun

The Intersection of Innovation and Sleep

Mike Goodwin

Mike Goodwin

Resilience through comedy

James Durham

James Durham

It could NEVER happen to me

Fern Johnson

Fern Johnson

“From Stuck in the Pack…to Leading the Pack: A Blueprint for Women in Tech”

Val Niehaus

Val Niehaus

The Missing Link: From Mentorship to Sponsorship

Anas Alomar

Anas Alomar

Technological Transformation of Cardiology

Sean Kanan

Sean Kanan

The Power of Stories

DeAngelo Burse

DeAngelo Burse

Beyond the Screen: How the Digital World is Changing Human Personality

Kaylee Jewert

Kaylee Jewert

Shifting Generational Dynamics And How It Impacts Teenage Mental Health

Lindsay MacMillan

Lindsay MacMillan

Unleash your full creative potential...even if you don't think you're creative

Don Radon

Don Radon

Breaking the Stigma of Addiction Through Community Engagement

Katherine Lawrence

Katherine Lawrence

Are Common Foods Worsening Your Child’s Neurodivergent Symptoms?

Barbara Ann Jacques

Barbara Ann Jacques

A different approach to criminal justice reform.

Justin W Atherton

Justin W Atherton

The Suspect Within: How to Interrogate Yourself

What is TEDx? In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. Our event is called TEDxSouthlake, where x = independently organized TED event. At our TEDxSouthlake event, TED Talks videos and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organized.

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This independent TEDx event is operated under license from TED.

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